Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Wimbledon Overview

How The Overrule fared during Wimbledon against multiple outs at the time of advised selections as well as against Pinnacle.

Against multiple outs.

Wimbledon performance - Stake: 43.00 Profit/Loss: -6.21 ROI: -14.44%

Season performance - Stake: 204.50 Profit/Loss: -17.81 ROI: -8.71%

Against Pinnacle.

Wimbledon performance - Stake: 41.50 Profit/Loss: -4.47 ROI: -10.77%

Season performance - Stake: 187.00 Profit/Loss: -12.59 ROI: -6.73%

The Overrule's next tournament will be ATP Montreal & WTA Toronto.

For details on how to join The Overrule for the 2016 season e-mail theoverrule@gmail.com